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Watery Wanderings

05 July 2023

19:00 -20:30

If water is life, our lives might be in danger.

Ben Morris of CURB (Clean Up the River Brent) together with Leila Taheri of FOWH (Friends of the Welsh Harp lead) and Daniella Levene of FOWH (founder and Water Worshiper) will delve into the the fascinating topic of urban water pollution, shedding light on pressing environmental issues including sewage and plastic pollution, as well as discussing why water is so important for nature and biodiversity.

This walk will include a visit to a hidden 'trash screen' in Edgware as well as the area's two prominent water courses: Deans Brook and Edgwarebury Brook.

We'll learn how to identify different types of water pollution (sewage, urban run-off, agricultural run-off) and learn about the impact of plastic pollution - and what you can do about it. We'll also discuss invasives and their ecological impact.

Ben and Leila will talk about a recent Thames21 citizen science initiative they were involved with to monitor water quality in the Brent Catchment area. Join the walk to find out about what they recently learnt about the health of the rivers that run through Edgware.

We meet on the edges / A wave of memory washes over us / A brook’s wateryness implores us to seek / We mingle our natural currents `

This event is part of the London Festival of Architecture 'More Edgware, Less Anywhere' Festival, a month-long pop-up event celebrating Edgware and bringing nature to the high street through design interventions and community events.



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The Edgy Collective

Instagram: @thinking_out_lau

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Image: The Edgy Collective


Bakery Path

Bakery Path, Edgware

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