Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery presents a special Open Sunday art workshop to celebrate the London Festival of Architecture! Participants of all ages will explore the festival’s theme of ‘In Common’ with a family-oriented tour of the Manor led by storyteller extraordinaire, Judy Preece, and a drop-in workshop for children with artist Amy Leung to design models inspired by the designs of Sir John Soane, the architect of Pitzhanger.
Pitzhanger Manor is the Grade 1 listed country home of Sir John Soane, designed by Soane in 1800 in what was then rural Ealing. For the first time in its history, every part of the Manor is now open to the public, surrounded by a park and a bustling urban environment. In this workshop we will look at how spaces like Pitzhanger have changed over time to better suit the common good of the communities in which they exist.
If you book onto an event you'll be providing your information directly to the event organiser rather than to the LFA and their privacy policy will apply.
Website: www.pitzhanger.org.uk
Twitter: @Pitzhanger
Instagram: @Pitzhanger
Image: Photo by Roger Green
Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery, Pitzhanger Manor & Gallery, Ealing Green, London
W5 5EQ
Reception: 020 3985 8888
Nearest station: Ealing Broadway
For queries regarding access requirements for this event please contact: pitzhanger@pitzhanger.org.uk