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Festival News.

self curation


I am a huge fan of the London Festival of Architecture not just because it embodies the sheer energy, enthusiasm and ambition of architecture in London, but because it successfully presents this to an increasingly wide audience. Architecture impinges on everyone; when it is truly inclusive it is relevant to everyone. So I look forward to this year’s full immersion and applaud The LFA’s increasing ambition.

During last year’s festival I found myself running around like a headless chicken, with stress levels rising accordingly. There was so much I wanted to see and do and some unseen hand had ensured that events I wanted to attend were on at the same time. To be fair the theme of the festival – community – was of particular importance to me, so I was determined to cover as much as possible. Driven by what was achievable in time and location, not just by content, I ended up embarking on an almost random assortment of tours.

This year I am therefore adopting a more mature attitude, on the basis that quality is more important than quantity. I will be more discerning and approach it as a process of self-education, an opportunity to put together a collection of visits and activities curated for my personal enjoyment and interest. That probably sounds po-faced, but then I see in this year’s theme – memory ­– some very serious intent. What is happening to London’s communities truly concerns me. I witness too much wilful destruction and too little thoughtful and intelligent development. The collective memories of people and places have woven the intricate fabric of our city and we must work to ensure that the past enriches the future of its communities.

LFA 2017 is so stuffed full of ideas and revelations that it’s hard to know where to begin, but I’ll start with Night Time is the Right Time. As inhabitants of a 24-hour city we need to ensure a safe and vibrant nightlife; as architects we need to be inventive in our response. I anticipate some great ideas.

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