You are currently viewing an archive site of the LFA’s 2023 Festival. For our current website click here.
Tara Gbolade

Tara Gbolade (she/her)

Director, Gbolade Design Studio

This is a selection of a range of topics that I think address some of the most pressing issues in society today. They speak to us as practitioners (rather than designers), involved in prioritising the people, places, and communities that make life in London the vibrant and energetic city that it is - and could be.

Selected Events:

The Curatorial Panel

Tara Gbolade

Tara Gbolade

João Guarantani

João Guarantani

Melodie Leung

Melodie Leung

Fiona MacDonald

Fiona MacDonald

Nic Monisse

Nic Monisse

Binki Taylor

Binki Taylor

Jordan Whitewood-Neal

Jordan Whitewood-Neal

Hadi Yassine

Hadi Yassine