You are currently viewing an archive site of the LFA’s 2023 Festival. For our current website click here.
Fiona MacDonald

Fiona MacDonald (she/her)

Co-Founder and Director, MATT+FIONA

In Common shines a wonderful spot light on the importance of children and young people having a say in the shaping of our neighbourhoods. There seem to be more events than ever that highlight the invaluable role they can play, and that explore behind the scenes of meaninful engagement. For children and young people, this year's festival is packed with fun and interative workshops, and - best of all - several of them are in fact designed and curated by young people themselves. These are events a very literal glimpse into the future!

Selected Events:

The Curatorial Panel

Tara Gbolade

Tara Gbolade

João Guarantani

João Guarantani

Melodie Leung

Melodie Leung

Fiona MacDonald

Fiona MacDonald

Nic Monisse

Nic Monisse

Binki Taylor

Binki Taylor

Jordan Whitewood-Neal

Jordan Whitewood-Neal

Hadi Yassine

Hadi Yassine