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Showroom Showcase third edition: Waste Not, Want Not

Location: Shopfronts of Gaggenau, Ideal Standard, VitrA Bathrooms
Date: 2023
Status: Temporary
Client: Gaggenau, Ideal Standard, VitrA Bathrooms

In December 2022, the LFA launched the third edition of its Showroom Showcase competition, calling for designers to create a series of creative window installations exploring material re-use under the theme ‘Waste Not, Want Not’. Each year, Showroom Showcase provides emerging designers with a platform to collaborate with world-renowned brands at the cutting-edge of innovative product design.

The international showrooms Gaggenau, VitrA Bathrooms, and Ideal Standard took part in the 2023 edition of Showroom Showcase, displaying the designs throughout the month of June.

Winning designs

TIME by Raphaé Memon and Sikander Pervez for Gaggenau

TIME © Kes-Tchaas Eccleston

Composed of handmade clocks that are stacked vertically, TIME interacts with Gaggenau’s brand through themes of craft and functional art objects. Being set to global time zones, the clocks highlight possibilities of connection and commonality. The design was conceptualised collaboratively between Gaggenau and designers Sikander Pervez and Raphaé Memon. 

TIME © Kes-Tchaas Eccleston

Following their installation in Gaggenau’s shopfront windows, each of the clocks were given to members of the public and given a new life.

Hear more about TIME from Raphaé and Sikander here.


Beauty in the Broken by Isabella Yurtsever for Ideal Standard

In Isabella Yurtsever’s installation, discarded pieces from the Ideal Standard factory hang weightlessly in their window, revealing the intricacies of the manufacturing process, and celebrating beauty in imperfection.

Beauty in the Broken © Kes-Tchaas Eccleston

After the period of installation, larger pieces of Beauty in the Broken will continue to be exhibited in the Ideal Standard showroom and will form a part of the brand’s archive. Remaining pieces will be returned to the factory, ground down and re-used to become road aggregate.

Isabella and the Ideal Standard team spoke to us about the design, listen here.


Nebula by Antoniya Stoitsova for VitrA Bathrooms

Nebula © Kes-Tchaas Eccleston

Nebula uses recycled ceramic waste to create a dynamic sculptural piece that encapsulates the materiality of VitrA’s brand. Antoniya Stoitsova utilises innovative ceramic casting techniques and alternative fabrication methods to experiment with design solutions that are sustainable. 

Nebula © Kes-Tchaas Eccleston

Following its installation at VitrA Bathrooms’ Farringdon showroom, the piece was disassembled and each of its parts recycled.

You can listen to Antoniya discussing her installation here

More Competitions.