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Pride Float

Location: London Pride, Manchester Pride
Date: 2019
Status: Temporary
Project Types: Public Art
Client: Architecture LGBT+

For Pride 2019, London Festival of Architecture (LFA) and Architecture LGBT+ launched its second design competition for a float to represent architecture and LGBT+ architects in London and at Manchester Pride. This project was a celebration of the diversity of the architecture sector, and offered an opportunity for architecture students, recent graduates, emerging practices as well as staff in more established firms to deliver a striking design.

RAW’s ’Under One Roof’ design was selected as the winner from more than 30 designs, including strong entries by BDP with Conisbee, Foster + Partners and Grimshaw – all three of which were awarded special commendations.


Under One Roof by RAW Architecture 

Pride 2019 © Luke O’Donovan

The float’s design by Raw Architecture Workshop (RAW) consisted of an inverted mirrored roof, supported on scaffolding and a timber frame, which reflected those on board as well as the crowds lining the route. RAW wanted their design to communicate that people, plus building, equals architecture. The use of mirrors in the roof extended the physical boundaries of the roof beyond that of the float, to capture the whole crowd around so that all would be visible under one roof.

Pride 2019 © Luke O’Donovan

The float was sponsored by practices including Foster + Partners, Grimshaw, BDP and PLP Architecture – as well as by Sir Robert McAlpine, which managed the float build and provided a flatbed truck to carry it.

On 6 July, following a Pride brunch at the RIBA, the float left Portland Place to process down Regent Street to Trafalgar Square as part of the parade, filled and surrounded by architects and their friends, before travelling north to appear at Manchester Pride on 24 August.

More Competitions.