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Curating Concourses

Location: Euston Station
Date: 2021
Status: Temporary
Project Types: Installation
Client: Network Rail

In 2021, the LFA launched the competition “Curating Concourses” with Network Rail inviting emerging architects, designers, artists and curators to create a prototype exhibition concept that could enhance station users’ experience, encourage people to engage with displayed content, and test the future of exhibitions in stations.


“As You’re Passing By” exhibition design by Muslim Women in Architecture (MWA), Euston Station

Image by Agnese Sanvito

Designed by Muslim Women in Architecture (MWA), “As You’re Passing By” is conceived as a series of mobile ‘suitcase’ modules, with each featuring two double-sided display panels made of ply sheets which slot together for easy on-site assembly. The panels can be arranged or opened and closed to any desired angles to create more intimate or open spaces, allowing the installation to easily cater for different locations as well as different types of exhibitions in the future. A range of tactile and tech features creates a shared space for learning and engagement that feels accessible and comfortable to visitors of all ages and backgrounds. The exhibition display includes interactive and playful elements such as mirrored panels, a cog mechanism and QR technology to break down key display information, making this easy to see and understand even when passing-by from a distance.

More Competitions.