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The World on the Upper Terrace

03 June 2023

10:30 -13:00

The Upper Terrace of Crystal Palace has more in common with the world than we knew before! Researchers at Invisible Palace have revealed 26 lost statues that represented the most important commercial and manufacturing places in the world. Discover the untold stories of these statues with our walk leader and facilitator Manasi Pophale. You will gain a fascinating insight into the world view of the people who made the Crystal Palace in Sydenham in 1854. The walk will highlight and interrogate how Empires, races and places were represented.

After the walk, we will head back to the Crystal Palace Museum for refreshments and conversation. We invite you to participate in the hands-on creative session. Together, we will imagine the past, challenge the present and celebrate the future of the place we share in common.

Tickets / Admission

'Pay what you can' tickets


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Invisible Palace

Twitter: @invispalace
Instagram: @invispalace

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Image: Upper Terrace during 1911 Festival of Empire - London Borough of Lambeth Archive Department


Crystal Palace Museum

Crystal Palace Museum, Anerley Hill, London
SE19 2BA

Please use the museum entrance on the park side of the building.

Nearest station: Crystal Palace bus station, Crystal Palace train station


Assistance dogs welcome

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