You are currently viewing an archive site of the LFA’s 2023 Festival. For our current website click here.

Register Organisation

In order to submit an event for LFA, we just need a few details about you and/or your organisation. You can create an account on behalf of your organisation or as an individual if you're acting in a personal capacity. But please note, we can only accept one account per organisation.

Once your account is approved you can then login using your email address and password to propose and manager your event(s) for LFA and access a range of helpful links and resources.

Your Account Details

Organisation Details

This is the name that will appear on the LFA website. If you're creating an individual account, just use your name here. Otherwise use the name of the organisation you're representing.

This is the website that will appear on the LFA website. If you're an individual, you can leave this blank or link to a personal website or social media page

.jpg files only. Minimum size: 300px x 300px. Maximum File: Size 1Mb

Contact Details

These details won't be made public but are for us to contact you. We will use the email address you provided above as the primary email address for this contact.

Our press team may need to refer a journalist to your organisation for more information. If there's someone specific, they should contact please let us know here. Otherwise they'll contact the person named above.


Our supporters help make the festival happen. If you're keen to support the festival, please see


By creating an account on the website, you are agreeing to our Memorandum of Understanding, which sets out what we expect from you and what you can expect from the LFA return. It's really important you read and agree to this document (You can find the MoU here). A copy will also be sent to your email upon completion of your event submission, plus a copy will be available for you to download in the account section once your account is approved.