You are currently viewing an archive site of the LFA’s 2023 Festival. For our current website click here.


Welcome to our Blog


Welcome to this year’s LFA Blog. We’ve got a huge programme of over 450 events this June by a record 260 organisations. It’s virtually impossible to see everything in the festival (trust us we’ve tried) but never fear, our team of bloggers will be visiting many of this year’s events and writing up their thoughts and perspectives.

Our theme for this year’s festival is ‘identity’. Events selected as part of this year’s core programme were chosen by our Curation Panel for their particularly interesting or novel ways of exploring  theme.  Our wider fringe programme also has some fantastic architectural events which explore architecture and London more broadly.

As for me, I’m particularly interested in events that explore how the identity of an architecture practice is shaped by it’s founders and how that identity carries on long after the founders have retired or moved on.

The identity of London’s architectural community has been vasty improved the the breath of architectural talent from all around the world that have chosen to call London home. So I’m really looking forward to this short film Émigré Architect by Stirling Prize-winning practice dRMM architects looking at the contribution of the emigre architect.



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