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Manifestos: Architecture for a New Generation No. 8


  • In an exciting collaboration with the Design Museum, ‘Manifestos: Architecture for a New Generation’  highlights the work by 10 emerging voices in architecture, who have each been nominated by established names in the profession, for their impact on shaping a new future for London. Responding to the defining challenges facing young people in London today, this new generation of architecture voices pushing the boundaries of what architecture can be, who London is for and what its future holds.
  • In a series of visionary manifestos, the chosen 10 share alternative visions for the capital’s urban landscape, prioritising collaboration, dialogue, learning and action in response to the real material and social conditions of a city in flux. Check back every Wednesday and Saturday for more.
Neba Sere of Black Females in Architecture (nominated by Torange Khonsari)
Architecture needs to represent the communities that it seeks to serve. That starts with engaging young people in going into built environment professions, however, if they do not see people like themselves represented then they do not believe they can achieve this. Black Females in Architecture (BFA) is actively challenging that notion to make sure that the profession improves its diversity for future generations.BFA is a network of over 185 women with black heritage who either study, work or are interested in the professions surrounding the built environment. It was founded last year by myself and three other women as a response to the frustration of not seeing any black women at industry events and in leadership positions in practice or academia.We organise regular socials, events such as workshops with focus on plastic waste and small-scale projects.

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